My name is Jan and I'm a plant-aholic!
I swore I was not buying any plants this year and had been doing really well until I innocently (?) stopped at a local nursery......just like that, I was "off the wagon". These two lovelies just had to come home with me!
The beauty in the foreground is "Double Scoop Orangeberry" Coneflower and, indeed, looks good enough to eat! I really like Coneflowers, anyway, but this baby is AWESOME!
Behind is a "Ruby Frost" Tickseed or Coreopsis and it has these amazing ruby red and gold petals.
Hey! They were on sale....half price because it is a little late in the season. They'll be fine, as long as, I don't forget to water them!
Birds are the latest subject fodder for our Nature Journal class. Last fall, this very round Robin landed on the tree right outside the living room window and stayed long enough for me to take several photos. Today, he became the subject of this little sketch and watercolor.
I'm really being inspired by the nature journaling on-line class that I am taking. This collage is made up of natural and faux natural material layered on vintage papers and a tea stained tag.

This afternoon......I had a Walt Disney movie moment as I watched two Swallowtail Butterflies dance their way through my garden......DELIGHTFUL!
I hope you can see this one, it is on the far left just below the mid photo.
On the photo below the butterfly is, also, on the left about mid photo.
I hope those of you in the U. S. are having a great 4th of July and everyone has had a great day. I know I have.....even with my scraped knees after falling off the wagon;) !!!!
The wagon was by some soft dirt. I understand. I've give up on my green thumb but I do, definitely understand! Happy Fourth!
As the fireworks continue in my neighborhood, I thought I would wish you a very happy Independence Day.
I love coneflowers. They are only pink in my yard. I also stopped by a nursery a couple of days ago. I picked up lavender, which I seem to have killed two years in a row. Good luck with your beauties, though.
Those coreopsis in the first photo are extra pretty and like you, I can always buy more plants and squeeze them in somewhere.
Your new plants are both wonderful, love those red tones, in flowers!!
And love your nature collage , it is beautiful with the peas on the tag- your wonderful Robin also is a beautiful painting! I am not having time enough to follow the workshop from post to post, so just hopping behind :-)
Your nature collage is simply wonderful!!
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