Friday, October 28, 2011

End of season in the garden


It is almost November, pretty much the end of the garden season in my part of Oregon, but there are still a few “lovelies” remaining……such as our Beautyberry!

IMG_1545 She’s a pretty flashy lady with her bright, iridescent purple berries that the birds, especially the robins, love.


It is a fairly large shrub, that can be pruned back, other than an occasional trim this is a very easy to care for plant with the added bonus of white flowers in the spring.

IMG_1547 I love to dry these Hydrangea blossoms but I have four plants….makes for a lot of dried flowers.  I’ll figure out something to do with the extras.

IMG_1548 It amazing the different shades and colors that can be on the same Hydrangea plant, isn’t it?

IMG_1551 We had some frost the last couple of nights, so the tomatoes are officially over, but the figs are getting ripe and sweet… it’s  race between the humans and the birds to see who gets the most.


The last rose of summer…..literally!

IMG_1563 In my garden, this is a personal favorite..….hardy geranium “Roxanne”.  It blooms all summer but the best flush of flowers is in the spring and again in the fall.  Right now, it is glorious!

It’s all about color combinations for me!  Every year I have favorite and not so favorite plant combos in my flower beds….here are a couple I really like this year.  The yellow of the Wallflowers against the blue-violet of the Hydrangea are beautiful complimentary colors.


I really like the pink of the Hardy Fuchsia against the dusty pink of the Hydrangea with the reddish stems of Barberry and the touch of Blue Oat Grass brings out the blue-ish cast in the Barberry leaves.  Yummmmmmmmm!

IMG_1567 All too soon these flowers will be gone and the rains will be here but for now….ENJOY!

Thanks for stopping by, leave me a comment and let me know how your garden grows!

Join me at Jean's Bloomin Tuesday and visit more fall gardens.


Anonymous said...

Your hydrangeas are beauties! And your helper cat just cracked me up...I have two cats who love to "help" as well:) I enjoyed visiting your blog today...

Julie said...

I, too love the color combinations. Particularly this past year I have enjoyed orange Impatients alongside purple Salvia!!! That was nice. I am having to replant as several of my floral plants have seen better days. I am most excited over the vegies I have planted though...
Have a great upcoming week!

Sandy said...

All the lavender and purple flowers are so beautiful... very nice shots!
Happy Fall

Jean said...

I love all the hydrangea colors. You have a lovely display of color still. Jean