Monday, December 31, 2012

Looking forward to the NEW year!


Wow!  Here we are again.....celebrating the end of one year and anticipating bigger and better things in the new year!  So, as this year ends, I will tell you how grateful I am to be alive, to be extremely healthy, to have a great family, a loving husband and the time, and good fortune, to make as much art as I want and/or can!

Let me assure you that I think getting older truly is a state of mind!

There are some  great things that come with the passage of time and is confidence, another is acceptance! 

Where that applies to art is: you eventually learn that rejection is a fleeting feeling that soon will be replaced with acceptance.  Sometimes, it doesn't seem soon enough, but if you keep trying and practicing your get better!  It takes time and determination and you may never think it is "good enough" but someone will!  You will still have doubts and wonder "what the heck am I doing".  You just have to keep doing!

I so appreciate those who make their living making is hard work but it can be done and being self employed is never as easy as it sounds.  I was fortunate enough to work for newspapers when we still designed and built all the ads for our accounts.  I learned a lot about graphic design and I loved it, still do!

About six years ago, I started keeping a garden journal that has evolved into my "everything" journal.  I still use it to keep track of garden activities but I, also, use it for an art journal and a daily diary.  I have been sharing that experience with others on Kate's The Kathryn Wheel blog.  Maybe, the best part of doing these journal/calendars is you have made a "hard copy" of your life's comings and goings,  something to look back on and being reminded of "life happenings" big and small.

Here's a look at my almost finished pages for December.......

IMG_3596When I say this is my everything journal, I mean everything.....I keep tickets for special events, special cards or notes from friends and family, along with receipts of major purchases and the Christmas cards we receive each year.....all inside this journal.  Those white pieces of paper are the ticket stubs for The Singing Christmas Tree performance we attended a couple weeks ago.


You notice, I still don't use boxes for my days like most of Kate's other "calendar girls".  I did, however, use circles on this page to contain my thoughts!  I seriously toyed with the idea of conforming more in 2013 but, no, it is not to be.  I love journaling everyday, even if it is only a word or two, I would rather be more random (I guess that's what it is) and so I made a conscious decision to continue with my "random" method.

I spent some time debating which journal to use and how to lay it out, then decided I like what I've been doing the past two years.....why change now.

So, I have only begun my pages for January......

IMG_3598 so I think I'll wrap it up this afternoon.

So, back to enjoying life and continuing to learn.....NO MATTER your age!  I appreciate the feedback from my blogger buddies and the inspiration that so many are willing to share.  Doing art is a solitary endeavor and we are so lucky to have this world-wide platform where we can learn and share.

This past year has been full of learning and rewards.....I can hardly wait to see what the new year will bring.  I hope it brings you and yours the happiest, healthiest New Year ever!


elle said...

I am definitely agreeing with all you are saying, Jan. Happy new year and yes, let's embrace it with our health, happiness and helpmates! said...

Awesome words, great pages, Jan!

Happy New Year!


Pumpkin Delight (Kimberly) said...

I love the random-ness of you journal pages. They are beautiful. :) I agree that it's nice to have the days, even the uneventful ones documented.
Happy New Year!

Linda Kunsman said...

I guess I'm somewhat the typical calendar girl-last year was my first year and I had a fairly small journal. Hopefully I have more room for play in my new one. Love the beautiful layering and colors for your Jan page!

Anonymous said...

I applaud your approach to the calendar challenge. I have incorporated several pages after the "grid" calendar to do just what you are doing~ just art for arts sake with quotes and bits and bobs of what has been going on that month. I look forward to the twisty turny path of this Art Calendar journal. Happy new year to you

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I saw this earlier, but was unable to reply. Something is afoul with my computer again.

I like how you make the pages your own. You do such a good job of making them unique and unusual.

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and the best new year ever. I look forward to our continued friendship in 2013.