Saturday, January 22, 2011

Altered Book Class 101

Beginning March 2, I will be teaching an Altered Book class at the Woodburn Art Center for four weeks.  Classes are on Wednesday afternoon from 2 P.M. until 4.

Here's one of the things we are going to do.........

IMG_0085First.....using an old black and white photo, enlarge on the copy machine 200 to 300 percent.

IMG_0086Using watercolor paints.....paint over the copy!


IMG_0087Next, shrink the painted copy back to 50 to 70 percent, or to the size you want to use in the book!

Not too hard, so far, is it?

IMG_0080This is my sister, she was 13 years older than I and passed away at age 39.  That's not me with her, it is a friend.

IMG_0083This one is me!  The theme of my book is why did my sister have better dresses than I did?  Well, they seemed better to me, you know how that is.

I got the idea for this book from a piece done by Lisa Bebi.  We'll use children's Golden books, not many pages, should be able to finish in four weeks.  Here your chance to create your own book!

For more information or to register call Woodburn Art Center at 503-982-6450.   

Excuse the crazy time/ camera....need to change that ASAP.


Fresh Linen said...

I'll be there, can't wait to learn how to put together this wonderful book. Carol

Karen said...

What a wonderful the photos, too!

Journal Swag said...

Very very cool, Jan!! Love it!

"MOI" Freubel said...

Hi Jan
I just discovered your blog and couldn't resist to write a short comment.
I've browsed a while through your posts and I've found it very enjoyable.
( Just felt the need to say this :)
I work only digital and it was so interesting for me to read this post !! For me this is the real work :)

Thanks kindly for sharing your images and photos It was very inspiring to see.
Rian from Holland

Greetings Rian from the Netherlands.